Know More about Epoxy Flooring and Types

When it comes to new flooring options for residential or commercial properties, epoxy resin flooring stands out from others for multiple reasons. Also known as resinous flooring, epoxy flooring is durable, customizable, decorative, and also sustainable. What makes it popular among masses is its ability to withstand high levels of wear and tear. If you are considering it as a flooring option, you must know a little more about it. Epoxy Different from regular floor paint, epoxy combines two part system: a mix of hardeners and polymer resins. It’s quite like epoxy glue. Proper mixing of resins and hardener causes a reaction to occur resulting in a chemical bond between the two compounds and the floor itself. The result of this chemical bond is a stiff plastic material that is highly durable and resistant to wear. Epoxy flooring In flooring, multiple layers of epoxy apply to a floor with a depth of at least two millimeters. One must understand that epoxy floor coating and epoxy floor...